Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Are You There, Katie? It's Me, Idiot.

(Everyone who is not Katie Hull Rathkey...please disregard)


I'm an idiot. I've been reading your blog forever, and now I can't find the stupid link to it. I have no idea how this happened. You'd think that I'd just send you an email or contact you on Facebook or Myspace to find out this information, wouldn't you?

But, since I'm a dork, I deleted all social networking accounts. I have NO idea why I don't have your email address. This is literally my only way of contacting you. I have to write a blog to try to get your attention. DO YOU HEAR ME, KATIE!?!?


Tonight, as I went to happily read the tales of your life...I realized that I can no longer read the tales of your life. If you would be so kind as to post your blog link in a comment on MY blog (God, this is so dumb), I would really appreciate it.

I feel lost and alone without access to Katie's World. I swear I tried every single combination of your maiden/married names along with "blog" and "Katie's World," etc. Nothing worked!

I MUST READ YOUR BLOG! And so must others!

Yours bloggily,


1 comment:

  1. An object lesson in irony (but only in the Alanis Morissette sense of strange coincidence): I found your blog, Cari, by googling Katie's name because I couldn't remember the address for her blog either. And now I found your blog too!

    There are some really excellent posts on here, Cari. Your memorial to your grandfather is beautiful and moving, and the book you wrote deserves a much wider audience.

    Looking forward to reading more,

    Will Joyce
