Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Last night I spent 17 minutes trying to find the perfect place to put two pacifiers (with accompanying pacifier clips) in my almost-born, baby boy's nursery (in which he won't even be sleeping).

I also spent about 49 minutes folding and unfolding different "onesies" according to size and warmth level and then placing them in various piles, only to move the pile once I found a better place to put the pile.

I categorized baby soap into two sections:

1. Baby soap to be used at first presence of baby.
2. Baby soap to be used at a later time.

I stacked diapers into disposable and cloth drawers with corresponding disposable and cloth wipes. (Disposable for newborn if he can't fit into the cloth, yet.)

I coordinated all breastfeeding/pumping supplies into one, large drawer...with corresponding instructions that slightly freak me out. I tested out the manual pump because I didn't believe that it would have enough suction after I placed my hand on it. Note: placing a breast pump on your hand and pumping it is totally incomparable to placing it on your breast. I will not be "testing" its strength again until Grey arrives.

I researched pre-washing BumGenius 3.0 cloth diapers for 36 minutes. I analyzed each new instruction for about 7 minutes each.

This is how I spent last night.

I obviously have nothing interesting to say at the present time.

I want a cigarette and a glass of red wine.

I'm going to have both directly after giving birth to my child.

Hell, I may have them both right before...during?

I can't decide.


  1. There is nothing quite like a breast pump! I had both a manual and an electric, at one point. Stick with the manual one. Rebecca used to say the electric sounded like an iron lung! Or a dirty old man's heavy breathing! Anne
