Monday, August 16, 2010

Emails and Video Chats and Phone Calls, Oh My!

I get it, family and friends. I haven't written a blog in over a month. There are quite a few excuses for this. My favorite one is:

I couldn't think of anything about which to write. Which is kind of true. And kind of not.

I received 2 emails, a video "call" and a phone call about the fact that I haven't written in over a month. It made me smile. Look! I have "readers"!! I have a fan base! Granted, my fan base consists of various family members strewn about the country and a few friends that say things like, "Dude. Write some stuff. I'm bored." But, still. Fans. It gives me hope that I'm not writing all of this in vain.

Right now, I'm listening to the new Arcade Fire album for the 8 millionth time. It is glorious, and there are certain songs that give me that, "I'm going to run down Main Street in Stillwater, Oklahoma as fast as I can with my arms outstretched while looking up and screaming, 'Nothing besides this moment matters!!!'" I'm not quite sure why I always have this vision of myself when I hear a really wonderful song. I suppose it's because so much of my life happened in Stillwater. A lot of really good stuff. And, a lot of really not good stuff. But, it was STUFF. And it mattered.

I went back to Stillwater on Sunday. I told Beau that it seemed incredibly foreign to me. It's like remembering a dream you may or may not have had. Something familiar. The old football stadium where you wore way too much make-up to try to impress boys in high school. The coffee shop that still has the best coffee in all of's actually tied with Topeca Coffee in Tulsa. If you haven't had it, you're seriously missing out. It's called "Seed-to-Cup" because it comes straight from El Salvador...right to your cup. I always mess up the term and call it "Hand-to-Mouth." Then Beau reminds me that that term is dangerously close to being a term used in porn. Ass-to-mouth, Seed-to-cup, Hand-to-mouth...who can keep these things straight? All I know is that it's the best damn coffee ever. Except Aspen. Tied with Aspen.

Can you all see why I haven't written in awhile? Look at what I'm writing! This is BS. I have a lot of really important things I want to talk about. Realizations I've had in the past couple weeks. The fact that my son (still sounds weird to say) is 6 months old, and that scares the shit out of me. It's going too fast.

I'm going to go outside for a second and think about some things. I feel really frazzled, and I can't figure out why...just really scattered, and I can't seem to wrap my head around any one thing right now. When I come back, I will try my very hardest to have something of substance for you to enjoy.

I WILL have a "good" blog before I leave for Colorado on Wednesday. Maybe it's the heat that has completely fried my brain.

You can sing this little song to yourselves while you wait for my next poetic greatness:

Bor-ing, Bor-ing,
Cari's Blog is Bor-ing.
Can't she write about friends and foes?
Can't she write about her cobra toes?
(She has a toe that looks like a co-bra, co-bra.)

The last line is whispered, by the way.

Check ya on the flip side. See ya on the check side. Flip out. Peace.

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